3 Days in Brief
- Lowest 27°C (Oct. 26)
- Precipitation 0mm
- Highest 27°C (Oct. 26)
- Humidity 23% Average
- Highest chance of rain 0%
- Sunshine hours12 hours Average
Weather Forecast for Banga For The Next 3 Days
Saturday - October 26
Broken Clouds
It feels like 37°
- Day/Night: 35°/30°
- Morning/Afternoon: 28°/36°
- Rainfall: 0
- Min/Max 27°/37°
- Humidity 28%
- Wind 4.76 km/h
- Pressure 1,012 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset 12:59 PM/00:40 AM
- Visibility 10 km
- Day/Night 35°/30
- Morning/Afternoon 28°/36
- Rainfall 0
Rainfall in Sahel in Saturday - October 26
Temperature in Sahel in Saturday - October 26
Sunday - October 27
Overcast Clouds
It feels like 37°
- Day/Night: 35°/32°
- Morning/Afternoon: 27°/36°
- Rainfall: 0
- Min/Max 27°/37°
- Humidity 23%
- Wind 3.7 km/h
- Pressure 1,011 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset 12:59 PM/00:40 AM
- Visibility 10 km
- Day/Night 35°/32
- Morning/Afternoon 27°/36
- Rainfall 0
Rainfall in Sahel in Sunday - October 27
Temperature in Sahel in Sunday - October 27
Monday - October 28
Broken Clouds
It feels like 37°
- Day/Night: 36°/32°
- Morning/Afternoon: 28°/34°
- Rainfall: 0
- Min/Max 28°/37°
- Humidity 19%
- Wind 4.28 km/h
- Pressure 1,011 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset 12:59 PM/00:39 AM
- Visibility 10 km
- Day/Night 36°/32
- Morning/Afternoon 28°/34
- Rainfall 0
Rainfall in Sahel in Monday - October 28
Temperature in Sahel in Monday - October 28
3-Day Temperature and Rainfall Posibility
3-Day Rainfall Forecast for Banga
Banga's weather
- Adoudji
- Alkoma
- Andeulay
- Babirka
- Baham
- Balel
- Bamga
- Bandiosi
- Bangataka
- Banika
- Barakyengo
- Batabogou
- Beiga
- Belehede
- Deou
- Djibo
- Filio
- Geselnay
- Kabao
- Markoye
- Oursi
- Peoukoy
- Salmossi
- Sikire
- Tasamakat
- Yalanga
- Tinie
- Abanga
- Akoundel
- Aladiou
- Alale
- Aligaga
- Alora
- Amvo
- Aoura
- Ara
- Aribinda
- Babonga
- Badinogou
- Bafele
- Bakotou
- Balandagou
- Bambeni
- Bamble
- Bambori
- Bamgue
- Bamguel
- Bamguel Ndao
- Bamparou
- Bana
- Bandania
- Bandiedaga
- Banga
- Bangaba
- Bangel
- Bani
- Baniaba
- Baougou Pore
- Baraboule
- Bargabouga
- Bargare
- Barkea
- Batibogou
- Befasin
- Beguintigui
- Beldiabe
- Beleguenga
- Belel
- Demnoua
- Diguel
- Diougodio
- Dioumsogui
- Djika
- Dori
- Falagountou
- Gaskinde
- Gassiliki
- Gorgadji
- Gorom-Gorom
- Kargouzi
- Katchirga
- Kelbo
- Nassoumbou
- Ouendoupoli
- Oulo
- Tantiabongou
- Oulphou Alpha
- Penpemdiadou
- Petegoli
- Petoy
- Pobe Mengao
- Sampelga
- Sebba
- So
- Souma
- Tambao
- Tongomayel
- Touka Ouropila
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Banga s' weather
Scattered Clouds
It feels like 32°
- Sunrise/Sunset 12:51 PM / 00:29 AM
- Min/Max 34°/35°
- Humidity 14%
- Pressure 1012 hPa
- Visibility 10 km
- Wind 18.4 km/h
Air quality
Unhealthy air quality, health risks for all, emergency conditions possible
- CO 243.66
- NH3 1.6
- NO 0
- NO2 0.8
- O3 47.21
- PM10 136.94
- PM25 45.24
- SO2 0.48
Sunrise / Sunset
12:51 PM
00:29 AM