Hauts-Bassins, Burkina Faso Weather
Current: 34.42°C/93.96°F, Wind SW at 12.56 km/h, 22% Humidity, 0% Chance of rain
- Hauts-Bassins, Burkina Faso Weather
- Current conditions
- Weather forecast
- Averages and extremes
- Yesterday's Data
- Temperature and possibility of rain in Hauts-Bassins over the next 12 hours
- Temperature and possibility of rain in Hauts-Bassins in the coming days
- Rainfall in Hauts-Bassins in the coming days
- Hauts-Bassins Weather Summary
- Weather averages by month
- Hauts-Bassins's weather
- Frequently asked questions
- Comments
Current conditions
Condition: Clear Sky
Pressure: 1,012 hPa
Sea level: 1,012 hPa
Temperature: 32.63°C
Cloud: 1%
Humidity: 22%
Wind: E 7.88 km/h
Visibility: 10,000 m
30 Day Averages and Extremes
- Average high 34.74°C
- Average low 20.06°C
- Hottest day (15 November 2024) 38.03°C
- Coldest day (23 November 2024) 17.85°C
- Average humidity 14.93%
- Days with precipitation 0 days
- Highest precipitation 0 mm
Yesterday's Data
- Max: 34°C
- Min: 23°C
- Total Precipitation: 0 mm
Temperature and possibility of rain in Hauts-Bassins over the next 12 hours
Temperature and possibility of rain in Hauts-Bassins in the coming days
Rainfall in Hauts-Bassins in the coming days
Hauts-Bassins Climate Summary
Hauts-Bassins features a Tropical wet and dry or savanna (Köppen classification: Aw), with an average annual temperature of 30.2ºC (86.36ºF), which is about -0.94% lower than the national average for Burkina Faso. Annually, the city experiences approximately 52.32 millimeters (2.06 inches) of rainfall, spread across 92.19 rainy days, accounting for 25.26% of the year.
Longitude | 11.4942003 |
Latitude | -4.2333355 |
Yearly high temperature | 35.48ºC (95.86ºF) |
Yearly low temperature | 22.97ºC (73.35ºF) |
Hottest month | April 39.61ºC (103.3ºF) |
Coldest month | February 20.88ºC (69.58ºF) |
Yearly precip | 52.32mm (2.06in) |
Days with rainfall | 92.19 days (25.26%) |
Driest month | December (16.49%) |
Wettest month | August (80.31%) |
Weather averages by month
Month | High / Low (°C) | Rain |
January | 35.21° / 19.01° | 0.27 days |
February | 37.3° / 20.88° | 0.64 days |
March | 39.18° / 24.56° | 3.0 days |
April | 39.61° / 27.17° | 4.64 days |
May | 38.4° / 26.71° | 7.18 days |
June | 36.3° / 24.75° | 10.18 days |
July | 32.49° / 23.0° | 17.73 days |
August | 30.12° / 21.96° | 21.73 days |
September | 31.61° / 22.23° | 17.64 days |
October | 34.62° / 23.26° | 8.36 days |
November | 36.06° / 22.37° | 0.73 days |
December | 34.82° / 19.71° | 0.09 days |
Hauts-Bassins's weather
- Ariblana
- Bare
- Bingbema
- Dan Maissara
- Dangounane
- De
- Desso
- Didie
- Digouera
- Faniga
- Fina
- Fon
- Gombeledougou
- Haba
- Kodala
- Kogoue
- Koloko
- Koti
- Maro
- Pe
- Sara
- Sifarasso
- Souri
- Karankasso
- Keleso
- Kibe
- Kiebani
- Kimidougou
- Kodima
- Kofila
- Kogoma
- Koho
- Kohorasso
- Kokoro
- Kona
- Kongodian
- Kongolikan
- Kongolikoro
- Kourouma
- Lahirasso
- Mahon
- Ngorlani
- Ngorouerla
- Niamberla
- Orodara
- Peni
- Samogohiry
- Samorogouan
- Satiri
- Sebedougou
- Serekini
- Sindou
- Sokorola
- Sokouraba
- Toussiana
- Ba
- Badala
- Badena
- Bama
- Bereba
- Bihoun
- Bindowe
- Blari
- Bleni
- Bobo Dioulasso
- Dana
- Dande
- Dangoe
- Dankari
- Dantoloma
- Darsalami
- Deguele
- Demmbourla
- Dessi
- Dialakoro
- Dian
- Diansara
- Diaradougou
- Diefourma
- Dieri
- Dierizien
- Fadona
- Fakara
- Fama
- Famberla
- Faramana
- Farkasso
- Filande
- Finima
- Finng
- Fo
- Foulasso
- Founzan
- Galebougou
- Goatere
- Gonion
- Gossiamandara
- Guena
- Hounde
Frequently asked questions
1. What is the hottest month in Hauts-Bassins?
April has the highest average monthly temperature (daily mean of 39.61ºC) and February are the coolest (daily mean of 20.88ºC).
2. What should I wear in Hauts-Bassins today?
For today's very hot weather in Hauts-Bassins, with the high temperatures above 34ºC (93.2ºF), consider wearing:
- Sleeveless tops or vests
- Lightweight, loose-fitting shorts
- Ultra-thin, breathable socks
- Light, natural fabrics (like cotton or linen)
Comments (0)
- Latest first
- Highest rated
Air quality
Unhealthy air quality, health risks for all, emergency conditions possible
- CO 290.39
- NH3 2.25
- NO 0.02
- NO2 0.45
- O3 38.62
- PM10 180.53
- PM25 63.76
- SO2 0.24